From Dakar Music Expo 2025: State of Play of African Jazz


Putting African jazz in the spotlight has long been on the mind of Dudu Sarr, the creator of the Dakar Music Expo . His project has finally taken shape for the 6th edition, with a clear objective: to pay tribute to the “excellent instrumentalists” of this musical genre. The music promoter fondly remembers the great guitarist Jimmy Mbaye , from Youssou N’Dour ‘s band Super Étoile, who recently passed away. ”  He had an extraordinary, unique sound  ,” says Dudu. ”  I dreamed for a long time of putting him in the spotlight. That’s where the idea was born.  ” 

Despite the richness of the African jazz scene, one major problem persists: the perception of the genre. ”  We often tend to believe that there is no jazz in Africa  ,” laments Mawuto Dick, director of the Togo Jazz Festival in Lomé. Often because we imagine music to be listened to while sitting down, far removed from the realities of the continent. ”  People don’t listen to much jazz; in Africa, we like to dance, let off steam, and listen to variety  ,” laments Togolese jazz drummer Kossi Mawun. 

To read the rest of the article visit the rFi website .

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